Friday, December 11, 2015

My Investment Record (25) - 31st October 2015 & 30th November 2015

Market Overview

KLCI recorded two consecutive months of advancing, ending up at 1665.71 and 1672.16 pt at end of October & November respectively. 

Current Return and performance

For October 2015, 
The estimated holding period return for KLCI in the past period (1st October 2015 - 31st October 2015) is 3.06% (with dividend included). Holding Period return for my portfolio, is 2.35%. Total holding period return for my portfolio since the inception is 2.66%annualized to be 0.83%this is far lagged behind KLCI total return of 12.57% (annualized, 3.81%

For November 2015, 
The estimated holding period return for KLCI in the past period (1st September 2015 - 30th September 2015) is 0.68% (with dividend included). Holding Period return for my portfolio, is -2.29%. Total holding period return for my portfolio since the inception is 0.31%, annualized to be 0.09%this is far lagged behind KLCI total return of 13.33% (annualized, 3.93%

Trading Activities

1. Addition of Coastal Contract (5071). The main business of the company consists of two division, the primary division deal with Offshore Special Vehicle with contract value sustaining beyond year 2017, the second division involved in drilling rig & jack up rig business, which just sold one drilling rig and secured a 12 years contract in jack-up rig. The main exposure is on another drilling rig set for delivered in Q4-15/Q1-16 which has yet to secured buyer/rental. The maximum exposure is RM 800 million which is about half of the net asset of the company. However weakening ringgit should be favourable to the company as majority of its business is oversea.